Protein: Why Do We Need It?

The Importance of Protein and Its Benefits Proteins are large, complex molecules that play critical roles throughout the body. In fact, every cell in the human body contains protein. In order for... ...

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Creating A Cleaner, Healthier Lifestyle

Living Clean Living clean is a funny phrase. It sounds a little too sterile, and it definitely sounds boring. In my years of experience as a personal trainer, nutrition coach, mom, and auto-immune... ...

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An Alternative to Intermittent Fasting

As a certified nutrition coach, my clients come to me with questions about the latest weight loss technique they just heard about. Over the years, it’s ranged from the paleo diet, carnivore diet,... ...

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Getting Hired as a Personal Trainer

Maybe you like exercising or refuse to be stuck at a desk for the majority of your day. Maybe exercise changed your life, and you want to help others find what you found. Whatever your reason, being... ...

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Staying Fit While You Travel

This year, My family and I have been traveling more than we ever have. Partly due to helping our son look for colleges, but regardless, we’ve been on the road a lot. Since my wife and I have owned... ...

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Tips on Choosing the Right Personal Trainer for You

Being in the health and fitness industry for over 24 years now has given me exposure to some awesome group fitness instructors and personal trainers. I have trained in smaller fitness clubs, big box... ...

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Our Protein Shakes

What is in your protein shakes, and how can they be beneficial? Our protein shakes offer approximately 20 grams of protein and are comprised of protein powder and other shake ingredients (see... ...

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Physical Therapists and Certified Personal Trainers: When and Why You May Need Them

Has your back been hurting for the past three months and that expensive back massager you purchased online just isn’t cutting it anymore? Have you gained a fair share of belly fat and that extra... ...

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Local Restaurant Recommendations

Going out to eat with friends, family, or independently is inevitable. It’s going to happen and probably some time soon! Your health and fitness goals do not have to take a back seat when eating at a... ...

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Can You Still Get Fit and Look Tone After 60?

At Body Basics, we have a lot of clients in their 60’s. In fact, our main clientele is between 50-70 years old. I would estimate 90% of our clients would say they want to improve their overall... ...

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10 Ways to Live a Healthy Life

Our team at Body Basics have been working on these health principles for a while now. It is not easy trying to narrow down all the healthy lifestyle habits to just ten, but we think we did it (for... ...

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How Old Is Too Old To Workout?

In the 1970’s my grandparents, Jim and Carolyn Kling, helped start what is today a multimillion-dollar international health food and supplement company. I grew up going to meetings in Holiday Inn... ...

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Taking Care of Yourself During a Pandemic

Well, suffice it to say, most of us have never been through anything like a pandemic before, and it’s taking its toll. Our bodies, minds, emotions, and relationships have all been affected in some... ...

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Looking at a Plant Based Diet?

As a gym owner and nutrition coach, we encounter a lot of clients who are interested in a plant based diet or who are already eating accordingly. With the release of the Netflix documentary “Game... ...

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Planning Ahead

The challenge is about to end, and you’re facing a decision of what to do next. Some of you may be excited to continue your progress and keep moving forward, while others may be ready for it all to... ...

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Sleep Well. Live Well.

Let's face it, everyone loves a good night’s sleep! But most of us have so many demands on our time—jobs, family, errands—not to mention finding some time to relax. To fit everything in, we often... ...

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Stress Management—Have Fun!

Boy! What a week! So far it’s been quite the ride… my eBay account was hacked and my identity stolen; I cleaned a huge, disgusting spill in our fridge (sparing you the details); my tax deadline for... ...

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Veggies: The Why and How

IT IS VEGGIE WEEK!! So, what’s the big deal with vegetables? Some of you grew up having your mom tell you, “Eat your veggies!” … Here is the why behind it all: Vegetables are LOADED with so many... ...

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Protein… The Word on the Street

Protein! It’s that infamous word that is getting so much attention these days, and we plan on shedding some light on it ourselves… It will be next week’s focus for Week #4 of our New Year’s Challenge.... ...

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Hydration could be the missing link in your situation! You may think you are drinking enough water but could easily be missing out on hydrating your body well. Just think about those plants in your... ...

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“NO” to refined sugars, “YES” to natural sugars

Sugar! It’s known to be as addictive as cocaine…. Americans just can’t get enough of it! This sly little devil can be heavenly to taste but has MAJOR consequences if consumed too often. We all know... ...

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30 Minutes of Exercise

30 minutes of exercise… Sounds pretty simple, right? It is the minimum requirement for us daily, and yet, somehow, it is so hard to achieve sometimes. Hopefully, we can provide you with a few ideas... ...

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Body Basics Remote Personal Training

Since March of this year (2020), Body Basics has been going strong with the help of a new service—Remote Personal Training. We are offering two types of remote services: Anytime Training & Real-Time... ...

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Goals: achievements vs. failures

I just turned 40 years old. Depending on how old you are, you might remember when you turned 40 or can only imagine what it will be like to be that old! In any case, it’s a big milestone. Personally I... ...

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The Quick Transition

The last week of March 2020 was a traumatic time for many of us business owners. It was the time when our doors closed per the government’s orders due to the COVID-19 virus at hand. “True colors are... ...

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Why Adolescents Don’t Always Make The Best Decisions & Why They Need Your Help!

Exercise is one of those things that our bodies were created to do. Our bodies were made to move and work—not sit for hours upon hours. Unfortunately, in this day and age, we are seeing a significant... ...

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COVID-19: How to Keep Your Immune System Thriving!

Right now in our world and country we are dealing with the pandemic of COVID-19. It’s a stressful and fearful time for many. Keeping our immune system thriving is of upmost importance. Here are some... ...

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4 Keys to Achieve Any Goal in Life

Early on, when my wife and I bought Body Basics – a personal training studio in Boise, ID – a well-meaning client told me I couldn’t maintain my schedule for more than 6 months. She was predicting my... ...

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New Year’s Weight-Loss Resolutions: 7 Important Factors

The New Year has come, and many of you have made New Year’s weight-loss resolutions. You might be crushing your goals, or you might be struggling. Statistics have shown that only 10-20% of you are... ...

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An Alternative Weight Loss Strategy to KETO

If you’re reading this, you’re hopefully looking for a healthy way to lose weight. You may have also tried KETO and decided it’s not for you. In this article, I’ll give you some tools that will help... ...

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How I Healed Indigestion with Food

For whatever reason, my body experiences indigestion about once or twice a year lasting a good several weeks or month. I’m thinking mine is either due to stress, a weird bacteria like H.Pylori, or... ...

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7 Ways to Help Keep Your Kids Active

If you have been given the privilege of gaining the title of Mom or Dad and you still have children at home, this article is for you! Since summer break has arrived, this leaves us with the great... ...

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Hashimoto’s: My Road to Healing

(This is Part 2 of my Hashimoto’s Blog. You can find Part 1 here.) Hashimoto’s Disease. I’d never heard the name before—it sounded so strange and yet, here it was—a part of me. I was honestly... ...

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Stronger Together Challenge take-a-ways from Trainers

We just finished a challenge at Body Basics in Boise called “Stronger Together.” It was a challenge for teams of 2 people to work together and get points by doing different health and fitness... ...

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Hashimotos: My Road of Discovery

Hashimoto’s did not hit me like a ton of bricks. It was a slow and steady, sneaky disease that just reared its head in my life over a few years (if not more than that). I honestly thought my slight... ...

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Body Basics Summer Challenge

It's that time again.... Time for another FITNESS CHALLENGE! These challenges are a great way to push yourself to its limits in a quick, fun, safe way. "If it doesn't challenge you, it... ...

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Workout Ideas if You’re Staying at a Hotel

I recently went on a vacation with my family for several days. Any time I go on vacation, I wonder where I’m going to work out and what type of equipment I’ll have access to. On this most recent... ...

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T-shirt Fundraising Campaign

Body Basics is in desperate need of new shirts, and we decided to make our t-shirt sales into a fundraising opportunity!! We've been wanting to help a local organization for a while now and are... ...

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Why the Keto Diet Didn’t Work for Me

So, "Ketosis", or the "keto diet", seems to be the hottest diet right now. I see it advertised online, on billboards, on social media, and on cars around town. I had considered doing it for the past... ...

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Staying Active Around Meal Time

One of the best ways to ward off unwanted weight gain is to be active before and after you eat. My wife is great about this. She’ll ask me to go for a brief walk with her, or do yoga for 15 minutes. I... ...

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Staying Active Throughout the Holidays

One of my family’s favorite things to do is play together as a family. My son loves to wrestle, and my wife and daughter love to dance. We’ve also found playing football, or tag, Nerf gun wars, or... ...

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4 Easy Steps to Help You Not Gain Weight Over the Holidays

One of the key steps of keeping off the dreaded holiday weight gain is adjusting calories based on activity level; more often than not, the everyday routine we maintain throughout most of the year... ...

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The Rossiter System

What is the Rossiter System? The Rossiter System restores the elasticity and looseness to the myofascial tissue in our body. The myofascial or connective tissue surrounds the muscles in our body and... ...

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Tips for Making a Lasting Difference!

People workout for all different reasons - to lose weight, for health reasons, to get stronger, to perform a sport better, or for aesthetic reasons. One thing that is important to me is creating... ...

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Body Basics Summer Challenge

8 Week Challenge Starts June 5th and ends July 30th The cost is $100, which includes: Personalized nutrition templates Nutrition meetings every two weeks Prizes for two winners T-Shirt Body fat... ...

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Soft Tissue and Massage

One thing I have learned throughout life is how important it is to focus on whole body health. With the awesome opportunity of getting to own and operate our own personal training studio, my husband... ...

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7 Tips from FLEET FEET for Finding Your "Sole-Mate"

The following post was written by our friends at Fleet Feet Sports in meridian. They are a great resource for all things related to feet. At Body Basics, we understand the importance of having the... ...

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Personal Training: Where to Begin

Let’s say you’re one of the many Americans that want to make a lifestyle change and begin to workout. You’ve decided you want to get into shape and start doing some research. You go online and google,... ...

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“Drop the Weight” 2017 Challenge

Have a reason to CELEBRATE the New Year! Starting January 15th, join our challenge to lose BODY FAT in just 8 WEEKS and create a habit for ultimate health! During our 8 week challenge, you will be... ...

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Why Personal Train?

Personal training has a gamut of benefits. No matter who you are… if you’re currently working out or not…. Even if you’re good at working out independently. Personal training is not just about us... ...

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Injury – What to Do When You are in Pain

If you’ve been alive for very long, chances are you’ve had an area of your body start hurting. Unfortunately, the more we age the more likely this is to happen. Different lifestyles can also increase... ...

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Pursuing Our Values

One of my all-time favorite quotes is, “the proof of desire is in the pursuit.” My dad told me this when I was young and I’ve always hung on to it. From that point on, when I heard someone say... ...

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Gluten-free Done Right - Part 2

(This article is for the gluten-sensitive individual. Those with celiac’s disease need to take a much more careful and cautious route.) Okay! So, you’ve decided to give the gluten-free diet a try!... ...

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Gluten. Why the fuss? – Part 1

Gluten is a distinct, hard-to-digest protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Sounds harmless, right? These grains have been a staple in mankind’s diet for thousands of years, but unfortunately, it is... ...

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Tips for Enjoying July 4th Without Sacrificing Your Health!

July 4th is obviously a time of fun—getting together with friends and family, grilling out, celebrating our freedom! Fun is still possible without sacrificing your waistline and health! Here... ...

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Couples Who Exercise Together Stay Together

I came upon this great article recently that talked about this very thing and thought it was worthy of summarizing to pass on to you. “Couples Who Exercise Together Stay Together” is obviously not... ...

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12 Weeks Total Recharge: Week 11 - Play

The goal this week is to reduce stress and have fun! If I know our clients, and I think I do, this one is going to be easy! Now we can’t all be Dee Dee Smith, but let’s look at why it’s... ...

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12 Weeks Total Recharge: Week 7 - Meditation

If you are following the entire challenge, by now you are hopefully rehydrating your body while flushing out toxins, getting a good night’s sleep, preventing illness and boosting your metabolism... ...

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Don't Let Your Weekend Stop Your Progress

If you’re like me, when it comes to fitness, you stay pretty focused and work hard throughout the week. My schedule is more predictable--the food I eat, when I go to sleep and when I wake up. It’s... ...

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12 Weeks Total Recharge: Week 2 - Sleep

Let's face it, everyone loves a good night’s sleep! But most of us have so many demands on our time—jobs, family, errands—not to mention finding some time to relax. To fit everything in, we often... ...

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12 Weeks Total Recharge: Week 1 - Hydration

Are you feeling like your body is in need of a recharge?! Running low on energy? Packing on extra pounds? This 12 week series is created to bring your body to a place of... ...

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3 Tips for a Healthier Fourth of July

Happy 4th of July, “Y'all”! If you're planning on cooking this holiday, here are a couple of tips to keep you eating a tasty but healthy meal! When buying bbq sauce or ketchup, make sure... ...

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Top 10 things you can do to empower yourself for success in your Health

As we head into 2015 we seem to always start the year with setting us up for failure. We are tired of how we feel from the holidays so we decide to make redical changes. Being that I have been in the... ...

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How We Make Permanent Life Changes Instead of Fad Diets

CHANGE! To some this can be exciting, to others dread; and both are ok! We are in the business of change, why? Because as a society we are faced with increasing disease and stress while daily... ...

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The Power of Positive Thinking

When I am in the gym, I hear all types of comments that clients make about their life, work, family and most importantly, their bodies; “I hate my butt, arms, fat gut, hips etc.” When I... ...

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Eating Healthy While Enjoying Your Vacation

With summer fast approaching, the time of year is upon us when many of us will be taking some well-deserved vacation time. It can be difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle while on vacation so we... ...

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10 Steps to Getting Started on Your Journey to Fitness

When I know a client is serious and willing to change I tell them it takes 21-30 days to change bad habits. The sooner that you start talking positive about your health and have come to terms with no... ...

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