Protein: Why Do We Need It?

The Importance of Protein and Its Benefits Proteins are large, complex molecules that play critical roles throughout the body. In fact, every cell in the human body contains protein. In order for... ...

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Creating A Cleaner, Healthier Lifestyle

Living Clean Living clean is a funny phrase. It sounds a little too sterile, and it definitely sounds boring. In my years of experience as a personal trainer, nutrition coach, mom, and auto-immune... ...

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An Alternative to Intermittent Fasting

As a certified nutrition coach, my clients come to me with questions about the latest weight loss technique they just heard about. Over the years, it’s ranged from the paleo diet, carnivore diet,... ...

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Local Restaurant Recommendations

Going out to eat with friends, family, or independently is inevitable. It’s going to happen and probably some time soon! Your health and fitness goals do not have to take a back seat when eating at a... ...

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Can You Still Get Fit and Look Tone After 60?

At Body Basics, we have a lot of clients in their 60’s. In fact, our main clientele is between 50-70 years old. I would estimate 90% of our clients would say they want to improve their overall... ...

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10 Ways to Live a Healthy Life

Our team at Body Basics have been working on these health principles for a while now. It is not easy trying to narrow down all the healthy lifestyle habits to just ten, but we think we did it (for... ...

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Taking Care of Yourself During a Pandemic

Well, suffice it to say, most of us have never been through anything like a pandemic before, and it’s taking its toll. Our bodies, minds, emotions, and relationships have all been affected in some... ...

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Looking at a Plant Based Diet?

As a gym owner and nutrition coach, we encounter a lot of clients who are interested in a plant based diet or who are already eating accordingly. With the release of the Netflix documentary “Game... ...

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Sleep Well. Live Well.

Let's face it, everyone loves a good night’s sleep! But most of us have so many demands on our time—jobs, family, errands—not to mention finding some time to relax. To fit everything in, we often... ...

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Veggies: The Why and How

IT IS VEGGIE WEEK!! So, what’s the big deal with vegetables? Some of you grew up having your mom tell you, “Eat your veggies!” … Here is the why behind it all: Vegetables are LOADED with so many... ...

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Protein… The Word on the Street

Protein! It’s that infamous word that is getting so much attention these days, and we plan on shedding some light on it ourselves… It will be next week’s focus for Week #4 of our New Year’s Challenge.... ...

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Hydration could be the missing link in your situation! You may think you are drinking enough water but could easily be missing out on hydrating your body well. Just think about those plants in your... ...

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“NO” to refined sugars, “YES” to natural sugars

Sugar! It’s known to be as addictive as cocaine…. Americans just can’t get enough of it! This sly little devil can be heavenly to taste but has MAJOR consequences if consumed too often. We all know... ...

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COVID-19: How to Keep Your Immune System Thriving!

Right now in our world and country we are dealing with the pandemic of COVID-19. It’s a stressful and fearful time for many. Keeping our immune system thriving is of upmost importance. Here are some... ...

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New Year’s Weight-Loss Resolutions: 7 Important Factors

The New Year has come, and many of you have made New Year’s weight-loss resolutions. You might be crushing your goals, or you might be struggling. Statistics have shown that only 10-20% of you are... ...

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An Alternative Weight Loss Strategy to KETO

If you’re reading this, you’re hopefully looking for a healthy way to lose weight. You may have also tried KETO and decided it’s not for you. In this article, I’ll give you some tools that will help... ...

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How I Healed Indigestion with Food

For whatever reason, my body experiences indigestion about once or twice a year lasting a good several weeks or month. I’m thinking mine is either due to stress, a weird bacteria like H.Pylori, or... ...

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Nutrition Certification - What I Learned

Christine and I recently became Nutrition Coaches through Precision Nutrition (PN). We have been wanting to incorporate nutrition services at Body Basics for the past several years, and are finally at... ...

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Stronger Together Challenge take-a-ways from Trainers

We just finished a challenge at Body Basics in Boise called “Stronger Together.” It was a challenge for teams of 2 people to work together and get points by doing different health and fitness... ...

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Why the Keto Diet Didn’t Work for Me

So, "Ketosis", or the "keto diet", seems to be the hottest diet right now. I see it advertised online, on billboards, on social media, and on cars around town. I had considered doing it for the past... ...

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Staying Active Around Meal Time

One of the best ways to ward off unwanted weight gain is to be active before and after you eat. My wife is great about this. She’ll ask me to go for a brief walk with her, or do yoga for 15 minutes. I... ...

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4 Easy Steps to Help You Not Gain Weight Over the Holidays

One of the key steps of keeping off the dreaded holiday weight gain is adjusting calories based on activity level; more often than not, the everyday routine we maintain throughout most of the year... ...

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Body Basics Summer Challenge

8 Week Challenge Starts June 5th and ends July 30th The cost is $100, which includes: Personalized nutrition templates Nutrition meetings every two weeks Prizes for two winners T-Shirt Body fat... ...

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Gluten-free Done Right - Part 2

(This article is for the gluten-sensitive individual. Those with celiac’s disease need to take a much more careful and cautious route.) Okay! So, you’ve decided to give the gluten-free diet a try!... ...

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Gluten. Why the fuss? – Part 1

Gluten is a distinct, hard-to-digest protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Sounds harmless, right? These grains have been a staple in mankind’s diet for thousands of years, but unfortunately, it is... ...

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Tips for Enjoying July 4th Without Sacrificing Your Health!

July 4th is obviously a time of fun—getting together with friends and family, grilling out, celebrating our freedom! Fun is still possible without sacrificing your waistline and health! Here... ...

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12 Weeks Total Recharge: Week 12 - Eating Out Well

Wherever you may be dining, keep this general rule in mind when ordering: choose a protein and veggies while making sure your plate has several colors on it. Also, choose vinaigrettes for... ...

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12 Weeks Total Recharge: Week 10 - Dinner

This week our challenge is to enjoy family dinners more often during the week and to (once again) pay attention to how colorful your plate is. Try to stay away from white or tan unless it is... ...

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12 Weeks Total Recharge: Week 9 - Lunch

Lunch is the focus this week! Your goal will be to become “color-minded” when deciding what you will eat for lunch — at least 3 to 4 different colors. Here’s what I mean... How often have... ...

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12 Weeks Total Recharge: Week 8 - Snacks

Hopefully, meditation/prayer is going well and you find your body reducing its stress levels. Adding on to our other challenges this week is SNACKS! Your goal this week is to choose healthy... ...

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12 Weeks Total Recharge: Week 6 - Alcohol

  Try to not drink alcohol every day, and if you do, limit it to the recommended amount: 1 glass for women and 1 – 2 glasses for men. Good Effects Of Alcohol Current evidence suggests... ...

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12 Weeks Total Recharge: Week 5 - Breakfast

Eat within one hour of waking up and make protein the foundation of your breakfast with 20-30 grams. The most important meal of the day Breakfast is your first meal after having fasted for 7-12... ...

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12 Weeks Total Recharge: Week 1 - Hydration

Are you feeling like your body is in need of a recharge?! Running low on energy? Packing on extra pounds? This 12 week series is created to bring your body to a place of... ...

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3 Tips for a Healthier Fourth of July

Happy 4th of July, “Y'all”! If you're planning on cooking this holiday, here are a couple of tips to keep you eating a tasty but healthy meal! When buying bbq sauce or ketchup, make sure... ...

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What is your body craving after a workout?

Fluid and carbohydrates are the two most important fuels your body needs. Protein is also needed after high-intensity interval training or strength training due to the protein helping with muscle... ...

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The Green Shake

Most of us have very busy lives and we are doing our best to take care of our physical health in the midst of all the busyness. One of the biggest downfalls of a healthy life is eating poorly and... ...

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A Beginner's Guide To Protein and How To Make Delicious Shakes

In today’s blog, I want to talk about protein. There is a great deal of confusion and myths when it comes to protein including the need of protein, which kind of protein to use, and the amount... ...

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How We Make Permanent Life Changes Instead of Fad Diets

CHANGE! To some this can be exciting, to others dread; and both are ok! We are in the business of change, why? Because as a society we are faced with increasing disease and stress while daily... ...

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Eating Healthy While Enjoying Your Vacation

With summer fast approaching, the time of year is upon us when many of us will be taking some well-deserved vacation time. It can be difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle while on vacation so we... ...

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Tricks of the Trade: Tools To Make Eating Healthy Easier

One of the common complaints of eating healthier is that it is difficult and time consuming to prepare healthy food. The world we live in now revolves around a grab-and-go mentality which often means... ...

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