Heart rate monitoring systems are no longer just for the serious of athletes. Many everyday individuals are using them for their workouts, but are they truly beneficial? Doctors and trainers say that the data you receive from a heart rate monitoring system is one that shouldn't be ignored and can be very useful!
Your heart rate provides a close look at how effectively your cardio-respiratory system is working. Knowing your heart rate can help your trainer and you in the following ways:
- help strengthen your heart and lungs by knowing when to increase intensity
- prevent injury from too much stress on the heart and lungs
- help formulate strategic workouts depending on client's goal. Some examples include...
- cross-training - a triathlete may want to improve their anaerobic capacity since they find it easier to stay in zones 2 & 3
- power lifting - where recovery is vital
- endurance training - making sure your heart rate stays in the aerobic zones
- interval training for weight loss
At Body Basics, we use and sell MYZONE Heart Rate Monitoring Bands. For more information regarding MYZONE, check out their website at http://www.myzone.org/. If you are interested in purchasing a band, talk to your trainer next time you are at Body Basics!
As a studio, we are participating in MYZONE's 2016 Global Challenge which runs from March 14th through April 17th.
Things you need to know....
- Any and all exercise counts (You just need a band.)
- $10,000 cash prizes awarded in total via prize draw
- You are awarded one ticket for earning 1300 MEPS
- 1 additional ticket is awarded for every additional 100 MEPS over 1300
- Ticket earning will be capped at 5000 MEPS